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Messier Challenge - M 102 (NGC 5866) Spiral Galaxy

M 102 in Draco 25th April 2020 @ 23:37 UT An edge-on spiral galaxy in Draco. Also known as the Spindle Galaxy. A dusty lane cuts through...

Messier Challenge - M 108 Spiral Galaxy

M 108 in Ursa Major 25th April 2020 @ 21:46 UT An edge-on, dusty spiral in Ursa Major. Conditions were not the best (cloud, high...

Messier Challenge - M 40 Double Star

M 40 in Ursa Major 22nd April 2020 @ 00:26 UT An unusual Messier object, a double star. Messier was looking for a nebula and added this...

Messier Challenge - M 101 Spiral Galaxy

M 101 in Ursa Major 23rd April 2020 @ 23:05 UT The amazing Pinwheel Galaxy in Ursa Major. The arms sweep out an amazing distance from the...

Messier Challenge - M 92 Globular Cluster

M 92 in Hercules 22nd April 2020 @ 00:26 UT A very nice globular in Hercules. Often overlooked because of the nearby globular M13. Image:...

Messier Challenge - M 89 Elliptical Galaxy

M 89 in Virgo 21st April 2020 @ 23:47 UT An elliptical galaxy! Image: 15 seconds x 64 frames (960 seconds total), gain 6579, bin 1x1,...

Messier Challenge - M 57 Planetary Nebula

M 57 in Lyra 22nd April 2020 @ 00:51 UT The iconic Ring Nebula in Lyra. Nice colours in the expanding nebula and the central star at its...

Messier Challenge - M 56 Globular Cluster

M 56 in Lyra 22nd April 2020 @ 01:03 UT A small globular cluster set in a rich Milky Way starfield. Image: 15 seconds x 41 frames (615...

Messier Challenge - M 12 Globular Cluster

M 12 in Ophiuchus 22nd April 2020 @ 01:18 UT Another globular cluster in Ophiuchus. Image: 15 seconds x 50 frames (750 seconds total),...

Messier Challenge - M 13 Globular Cluster

M 13 in Hercules 22nd April 2020 @ 00:13 UT Big and bright, it really is full of stars. M13 is an impressive site. Image: 15 seconds x 82...

Messier Challenge - M 10 Globular Cluster

M 10 in Ophiuchus 22nd April 2020 @ 12:31 UT A bright globular cluster in Ophiuchus Image: 15 seconds x 40 frames (600 seconds total),...

Messier Challenge - M 90 Spiral Galaxy

M 90 in Virgo 21st April 2020 @ 22:26 UT A bright spiral galaxy in Virgo. Image: 15 seconds x 160 frames (2400 seconds total), gain 6579,...

Messier Challenge - M 58 Spiral Galaxy

M 58 in Virgo 21st April 2020 @ 22:44 UT A barred spiral galaxy in Virgo. Image: 15 seconds x 120 frames (1800 seconds total), gain 6579,...

Messier Challenge - M 96 Spiral Galaxy

M 96 in Leo 22nd March 2020 @ 22:45 UT A spiral galaxy in Leo next to M95. Image: 15 seconds x 57 frames (855 seconds total), gain 6584,...

Messier Challenge - M 103 Open Cluster

M 82 in Cassiopeia 23rd March 2020 @ 20:11 UT A bright and compact triangular cluster. Not that many stars. My focusing was awful! Image:...

Messier Challenge - M 82 Starburst Spiral Galaxy

M 82 in Ursa Major 13th April 2020 @ 22:09 UT The Cigar Galaxy has an impressive amount of detail surrounding its core.. Image: 15...

Messier Challenge - M 81 Spiral Galaxy

M 81 in Ursa Major 13th April 2020 @ 21:22 UT A large impressive spiral with sweeping long arms. An amazing sight as the image built up....

Messier Challenge - M 91 Spiral Galaxy

M 91 in Coma Berenices 23rd March 2020 @ 01:42 UT A barred spiral with two sweeping arms. I didn't let this galaxy soak enough. Image: 15...

Messier Challenge - M 88 Spiral Galaxy

M 88 in Coma Berenices 23rd March 2020 @ 01:28 UT A really nice spiral galaxy with great detail in its arms and a small bright core....

Messier Challenge - M 95 Barred Spiral Galaxy

M 95 in Leo 22nd March 2020 @ 22:45UT A face on spiral galaxy in Leo. The bar is obvious but the arms are faint. Image: 15 seconds x 71...

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